Hello everyone, and nice to see you for who visit my blog for the first time. I’m flora, psychic counsellor, born in a psychic family and see and give advices of all kinds of life matters to people. I wrote...
The evil spirits exist. Surely exist. There is no bad, devils nor evil spirits, because I’ve never seen them. I used to say like that but, no. There are plenty much of them. I say devils and evil spirits exist...
As I’ve been sharing my thoughts through my blog posts, I’m going to write about the beginning of being psychic counsellor as well before I post my biography. I hope it’ll be the best way to introduce myself to you....
Like my clients have my psychic counselling, I take the advice of psychics who I trust. I have three seniors of psychic and today I called with one of them. I got remote healing to remove pain, and then we...
When I decided to go to Paris to work as a florist, I didn’t have enough money. I managed to go by scratching up some money and selling my belongings. I didn’t have any assurances nor securities, so my bank...
My mother committed suicide when she was 37. I am on an age with her now. I was an elementary school girl at that time. One day when I woke up, I found her dead. She was hanging down with...