Hello everyone, and nice to see you for who read my blog for the first time. I’m flora, psychic counsellor, born in a psychic family and give advice on all kinds of life matters. This is continued from it. A...
I got a brain surgery in February 2012. It was a neurosurgical clipping of unruptured cerebral aneurysm. Hello everyone, and nice to see you for who visit my blog for the first time. I’m flora, psychic counsellor, born in a...
As I’ve been sharing my thoughts through my blog posts, I’m going to write about the beginning of being psychic counsellor as well before I post my biography. I hope it’ll be the best way to introduce myself to you....
Like my clients have my psychic counselling, I take the advice of psychics who I trust. I have three seniors of psychic and today I called with one of them. I got remote healing to remove pain, and then we...
My mother committed suicide when she was 37. I am on an age with her now. I was an elementary school girl at that time. One day when I woke up, I found her dead. She was hanging down with...