【Voice 6】Can’t be bothered

Here is a feedback of my psychic counselling.

Good evening. I love your energetic and funny photo. I went to a monjya-yaki restaurant and was happy too.

I was about to send my feedback while I was high right after the session, but I thought it’d be better to feel its effect on me for a while quietly.

When I sent a long message for my counselling, I was in a panic and depressed, but right after the advice started, I felt light and easy to talk to her.

I have had some spiritual session before like channelling, but never had psychic counselling so, I was strangely nervous if she talked about ghost or sort of things.   

Because she told me the procedure of the counselling, what she’s going to see, and my current status explicitly at the beginning of the session, I could feel safe to talk openly. 

As if she has seen me from somewhere, she told me scenes I’m familiar with, or that she could see the information I researched on the internet in my future. I’m not sure how it happens, but she helped me to know the way I will go when the timing comes. 

After the counselling, I can’t be bothered so terribly, and I can say real intentions straightly. 

Even if I’m bothered, I naturally change myself to feel like “everything will be alright.”

I’ve been struggling with my habit to balance with myself and others, but she turned myself into the status of “no need to balance with anyone”, so I feel relieved about human relations.

I’ll have her counselling again when the timing comes so, thank you so much in advance for it. (an office worker)


This is the photo she mentioned. 

When you have psychic counselling, you can send messages of details of advice you want before you have it. You can submit as much as you want, and you can write as often as you wish. Some clients feel sorry to send frequent long messages, but, it’s okay. Everyone sends very long words. 

I love it because you can clear yourself by writing messages. I see a client just before the counselling starts, and at this point, I can see their backgrounds clearly, so we burst into laughter when we start to talk.  

Energetic and funny photo.  What a beautiful life, I want to live like that. I’m happy to see your smile and happiness. 

Thank you for your fantastic feedback. 


Flora Souh