Heart, Body, and Soul
Heart, Body, and Soul
Hello everyone,
I am Flora Suoh.
In the second lesson of
the 4th course of
[See the Unseen World],
I teach about
how the movement of energy
appears on your body.
It is visible,
so my students get excited
about the second lesson.
I am not so interested in the body,
compared to my keen interest
in the mind and soul,
so it was the hardest part to explain
in words.)
Here is feedback from my students
right after the 2nd lesson.
Let me share what I felt
after the lesson.
Your explanation about chakra
was deeply heart touching.
I felt like you must read my mind.
I was thinking of my daughter’s ill
at that moment.
Her sickness is more in-depth
in her brain,
so it will take time to cure.
I have been to some healers,
and they said it would be alright.
I did not understand
what and how it will be okay.
After I listened to
what you talked about yesterday,
I felt like I got the meaning.
Whenever my daughter gets sick
in the night,
I did what you taught in the lesson.
I felt thoroughly tired
whenever her condition got worse.
But I know that
it is time to release this pattern now,
and I thanked pains,
which made me realize that
it is time to move on.
I will always support myself
whatever any types of challenges will come.
I just stayed being conscious of the pain
or the place where my energy has lost.
I felt them and stroked them.
I could understand
what you taught yesterday,
so I was amazed.
What you teach
are philosophy and wisdom.
I admire it.
Even I cannot see the unseen spiritual world,
I can feel it
by knowing the structure of the world.
Even you do not see the unseen world;
you can perceive and feel it.
some of my students joined it
because of their family’s illness.
They have a daughter
who has an incurable disease,
a husband who has cancer,
or a son who has drastically changed
as if something has possessed him.
In my lesson,
to know the unseen world,
students learn by experience,
purifying themselves.
You learn from me
and act by yourself.
Without a feeling or experience,
people would never understand it.
As you keep learning
from your experience,
one day at a certain point,
you will get it
even you cannot tell in words.
[I am okay, alright.],
[He/she is alright too.]
The reason why I started my work
is also through experience.
I already had seen various unseen things.
I could hear from the hidden world.
[So what?]
I had thought.
[It is fun as entertainment,
but what can we find about it further?]
I met my master around that time.
I talked with him for about an hour.
Just talking with him for an hour,
he healed everything of me all at once.
I cannot explain the impact in any words.
He spoke about the unseen world
which I could not see, but I felt it.
I thought I knew it as a conception.
My body reacted to what he told me.
I could not stop crying at that time.
What he told me was not about
whether I believed it or not.
It was far more than that.
Before it happened,
there were people who had taught me,
and stories I knew as pieces of knowledge.
But the timing was
at that moment.
all of me was healed,
so as my past.
The key was
not to try to relieve my past.
“Now” is released,
all of me was treated,
and my future too.
Then I got a feeling
that the unseen world was not just entertainment
at all.
It is the life of a man being.
It shows how to live happily.
It is for everyone,
not just for psychics.
And I felt I want to tell about it
to others too.
I can do it entertainingly.
Life is to be full of fun,
so why not teach like entertainment?
Here is feedback
from one of my students.:
Right now,
I have been facing
one of the most significant matters
in my life,
and I am just so thankful
to keep in touch with you.
Last month,
I was in panic and despair,
but now I feel that
everything happens
in the precise right moment
to make our lives happy.
I feel like
the unseen world has guided me
that I have taken your lesson
at this time of my life,
and I have other beautiful students
who learn together.
You cannot change reality
or what already happened to you.
we always do move forward
in a better way
even though you cannot see that.
The reason is that
the energy flow always smoothes down
where it has lacked.
縁, En, fate, and bonds
which have tied right at this moment
will tie another En for the future,
you bring back your true genuine self.
It is essential to be mindful
of every moment of
If you feel that your timing has come
right at this moment,
then I will wait for you
to learn with me.
You will enjoy stories
about the heart, body, and soul.
See you again & Gokigenyo.
Flora Suoh.