Myanmar Day 6 & 7. Japanese and Myanmar psychic meeting


Good morning, I slept until 7:00.
We were back in Yangon at 21:00 last night.

I had a light meal after arriving
and enjoyed talking
with my best friend in Japan
until 1:00 am.

I’m so happy to have speedy wi-fi.


I could say she is the reason that I live now.

My best friend was Eleonore,
who was one of my guides.

Sometimes guides appear for you
as a living person. 


We plan to go to a Myanmar restaurant,
so I didn’t have breakfast.

I just drunk a cup of coffee in my room.
I haven’t tried Myanmar food yet.

As they say, it’s very oily,
so I ask them somewhere milder for tourists.
Better not to force anything on me.


They took us to the restaurant
and guess what.

The name of the restaurant is Padomar.

How could it happen to me?


The restaurant seems popular among people,
and it was delicious.
I like Myanmar food.

Aubergine salad

Papaya salad

Grilled fish and chicken

Steamed rice

I ate a lot of all days of this travel.


We passed the house of Aung San Suu Kyi
and went to a fortunetelling
on the passway to the pagoda.

Fortunetelling in Myanmar!

We arrived at the pagoda.

Roses are offering flowers in Myanmar.

Working girl

We must walk barefoot on the passway.


There are Buddha statue shops,
Buddhist altar fittings shops
and fortunetelling shops.

We came to this shop.

The most famous actor in Myanmar
comes to this fortuneteller.

 Sounds nice.

Look at her facial expression.


I decided to have a palm reading
and birthday fortunetelling.

She also has psychic ability.
(They call it divine power,
not a supernatural power.)


Can you see that I’m serious and excited?

Here are what she told me:


You have lotus flower/ Padma

A person who is like having two brain

Too smart and sharp

If you have some works,
don’t do it at the same time.
Focus on one job.


Be careful of your heart
because you accept things with your heart.

Free spirit.

You don’t want to learn something
from people.


If you got married at 27,
you’ll divorce.
(The year I turned 27, I got married)

If you didn’t get married at that point,
you only get married once.
Avoid getting married to a divorced person


A person who can’t enjoy the luxury

Your subordinate will betray you
(Oh no!)

You won’t lose something you get
after you turn 40.

Why not build a monastery.

You have supporters around you.

Something invisible protects you.

In your back, something giant exists.

Not all people have spiritual guides.


Kind but stubborn.

By pretending not to be able
to sense the mood,
you say everything you want.

You want to do something for others.

People who pretend to be miserable
will cheat on you.
(I do understand what she says)


The business will be successful this year.
(This year means a year after the birthday)

Be careful not to be cheated
on financial matters.
(Sounds like I’ll be in troubles anyway.)


The relationship won’t go well this year.
(So far so good, though)

You will get married again.

You will live 70s or 80s.
Elderly life will be comfortable.


A job like renting money and get interests
won’t make you successful.

You’re loving to your family and relatives.

Even you work hard
for your family and relatives,
they won’t understand you.


You have a sharp tongue,
but you’re a warm person at heart.

You’ll have financial problems this year.
(I’ll have lots of trouble this year.)


Whatever happens,
you should keep your business ahead.


Your expense will keep rising by this March.

People will help you with this March.

Don't rend your money.

You’re easily tricked.
(She repeats it)


Be careful of women’s disease. 

You won’t die
but take care of women’s sickness
and illness on your head.


She has a female guide.
(My guide and I got goosebumps.)

You are not like others.

You must be a psychic.
(Before my guide ask the meaning of her words,
she said it)

Using your divine power for your work
is right for you.

You will do it as your lifework.

You can teach it to people.

You don’t need to learn from others.

You can see the future, so you must do it.

You see the future more than the past.

You must learn Buddhism.
(I guess I will become a priest.)

You can see the spiritual world
and the future,
so psychic is the best job.


You’ll be successful in this job.

You can communicate with souls.

You have the power by nature.

Fortunetellers usually use numbers
to see clients.

You’re the person who can devote yourself
to all living creatures.


Romance will come
when you’re around 39.

(It’s next year)

You’ll get married when you’re 43 or so.

You’re good at marriage life.
(I know)

The marriage will last long.

Your husband will be Japanese.


Okay, I’ll try not to be cheated.



She also uses her energy to see,
but I can use more so,
she sees me carefully and politely.


Okada san,
my bodyguard and porter,
seeing the fortunetelling behind me,
said that people usually be like
“Oh, I didn’t know that!”
but I was like
“Oh, you even can see that point,
good, well done!”.

Okadasan said to me
“You were looking down on her,
all the time.”

I didn’t notice that.


In the Pagoda.

It is the end of the travel dairy of Myanmar,
thank you An san!


At the airport.

I got a massage in the lounge.

I arrived at Narita airport the next morning.

I took Narita-express for the first time
and went to Kyoto.

I bought straw-bag shaped onigiri rice balls.

I checked in a hotel for a day-use.

I took a hot spring and relaxed.


From Myanmar, tonight I’m at Pontocho,
geisha quarter in Kyoto.

Annual year-end dinner party.

Merry Christmas!

The end.